This past week I gave a second try on 3d printing. I decided to move on to another model, instead of rework on fixing the first one. I made a quick sketch using Zbrush, which took me a couple of hours because I was pretty sure it would fail on printing again, even though I was trying to keep in mind this one would be printed instead of just sitting there as a wallpaper on my computer screen. In fact, I wasn’t willing to spend too much time on a model I was quite sure it would fail again in the printing process. However, to my surprise, it worked very well. I know I have tons to learn and improve, but honestly, I believe I can call it a successful attempt! =D
Again, I used the resin printer Form2 set on 50 microns resolution. This time, as the piece came out of the printer in very good shape, I finished up the process by cleaning up the residual bumps from the supports and painting the piece. (Btw, painting is another thing to learn and improve in the process. I’m still not sure if I’ve liked the final ‘painting’ result. And definitely, I have to try other painting techniques, besides improving the one I’ve used in this piece =].
Anyway, I hope you like it!!!
I will try to keep the tests up (grad student, you know! =]) and posting the results here, doesn’t matter if it will turn out as a big failure or a successful printed piece. We never know, right?!
Then, until the next try! =]